Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Real Israel

What a wonderful day! We began with a moving trip to the Hall of Independence where the David Ben Gurion declared Israel a state almost exactly sixty years ago. The presentation was moving and eyes watered when we heard the passion of the museum guide who helped personalize what Israel meant to her and what it means to the world and the Jewish people. Although the Hall of Independance is a simple place its meaning is rich and moving.

Driving a short distance we arrived at Kikar Rabin - the sight of Rabin's murder. Aryeh our guide gave us a moving presention and review of the events leading up to that awful day. Curiously just after Aryeh told us of the sad announcement of Rabin's death on Irsraeli TV, the official who made this announcement walked by on the street. What a strange coincidence!

From there we traveled south a bit to Tzrifrin Army Base. Our own shlicha, Einat Dahari had recommended that this would be a good visit and indeed all agreed that this will be one of our most chrerished memories. After a surprisingly delicious lunch in the base dining hall, six experienced army officers came to talk and share and visit with us for more than an hour. These inspiring and mostly young people told us about their impressions of life in the Israeli army and they spoke with pride about their assignments and duties. Clearly this is an army of unusual depth and pride and it was an honor to be among them even for a short while. Our group asked many questions and following the meeting we were treated to a tour of the base - including the Shoah (Holocaust) Memorial set up in the middle of the base. Thank you Einat for helping us to arrange such a wonderful time.

Although we were scheduled to proceed to Jaffa for some shopping and touring, our guide (Aryeh) offered us an opportunity to go to the Tel Aviv port where a fair had been set up for the merchants of Sderot. Sederot is a small town adjacent to the Gaza strip that has been the recipient of over 3000 rocket attacks since the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza. Imagine how the merchants businesses' must have been devasted! We voted and the group decided that they would rather skip the tour of Jaffa and instead drive to the fair to show support for these brave men and women who lived in this battle torn area. Many products were purchased and we pray our purchases will, in some small way, demonstrate our outreached arm to those who live in harm's way.

Lastly the group proceeded to a wonderful dinner at Maganda Resturant. On behalf of the group we're pleased to recommend this resturant for your dining pleasure during your next visit to Tel Aviv. Salads, wine, shish-kabob, desserts, coffee and tea were enjoyed by all. We were so happy to be joined by our dear friends and B'nai Israel members Amos and Yardena Kedar who have recently moved back to Israel from Gainesville. With hugs and joyous welcome we enjoyed being with Amos and Yardena and we hope we will see more of them while we are here in Israel.

Tomorrow we leave Tel Aviv to head north. In some ways we are sad to leave this full and wonderful city and the luxury of the Renaissance Hotel. Indeed, we leave at 7 am so we are also sad to have to wake up so early! Nevertheless much adventure awaits us and we're ready to go!

Thank you all for your kind notes and comments...the group listens eagerly to hear your fond wishes!


Suzanne & Chaz said...

Love and misses to all, especially, Rhoda/Mom/Safta! We are so delighted to read the daily updates and relatives around the country are also living vicariously through you! Have a safe journey.
Suzanne, Harold and Chaz

Harriett said...

I have been following your adventures and find myself re-experiencing many of the feelings I experienced during our visit to Israel some years ago. What a great blog!!! It must have been wonderful to visit with Avital, Yardena and Amos......a little bit of "home away from home." Wish I could see the faces of "first-timers" when you arrive in Jerusalem. Be safe!!! Harriett

Anonymous said...

Dear Safta (Rhoda Chester)
I was so excited to read your blog! We also stayed in the Renaissance Hotel when we were last in Tel Aviv. I hope your group has the chance to eat their delicious Israeli breakfast even though you are leaving early.
Although 7am is not too early for you Safta!
I am sorry to hear about your cold. My arm is all healed!
Can't wiat to hear more about your trip!!!
I love you!
Mandy (and Joel and Hallel and Devorah)

Mish said...

Hi Safta, Hope you are doing ok? We miss you and are all looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks on Passover. Talya and Divya are still wearing the hats you knitted for them. In fact Talya brought hers in for show and tell last Friday and told the whole class that her Safta made it for her. They are looking forward to wearing them at Passover. We love you please be safe and enjoy. Love Mish, Sunny, Talya, Divya and Maya